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A Collaborative Effort To Reduce Avalanche Risk

European Avalanche Warning Services: Protecting Lives and Property

A Collaborative Effort to Reduce Avalanche Risk

The European Avalanche Warning Services (EAWS) is a network of national and regional organizations dedicated to preventing loss of life and property due to avalanches. Its members work together to provide timely and accurate avalanche warnings, conduct research, and educate the public about avalanche safety.

A Common Goal: Reducing Risk

The EAWS was founded in 1993 with the goal of reducing the loss of lives and damages caused by avalanches. This is achieved through a variety of measures, including:

  • Issuing avalanche warnings: EAWS members issue avalanche warnings for their respective regions, providing information on the current avalanche danger level, expected avalanche activity, and recommended safety measures.
  • Conducting research: EAWS members conduct research on avalanches and avalanche safety, improving understanding of avalanche dynamics and developing better ways to mitigate risk.
  • Educating the public: EAWS members educate the public about avalanche safety, including providing information on how to recognize avalanche hazards, how to avoid avalanche-prone areas, and what to do if caught in an avalanche.

The EAWS is a vital resource for avalanche safety in Europe, and its work has helped to save countless lives and prevent property damage.
